Over 60 Years Of Amazing Customer Service!
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5:30 PM

Auto Services

Factory Recommended Maintenance

St. Marys AAMCO
Factory Recommended Maintenance

Automotive manufacturers know that a well-maintained automobile, truck or SUV increases owner’s satisfaction because the automobile is more dependable and will last longer. That’s why the manufacturer (“factory”) creates detailed maintenance schedules outlining specific operations to be performed on various components and systems. This is done at different mileage intervals to ensure proper operation and prevent premature wear.

Your automobile’s manufacturer also indicates which services are required to maintain the factory warranty and extended warranty. But did you know that this scheduled maintenance does not need to be performed by a dealership? your local St. Marys AAMCO auto repair shop can provide all of your automobile’s needs specified in the owner’s manual. Our skilled mechanics perform a wide range of services, making St. Marys AAMCO your one-stop shop for all your automobile’s repairs and maintenance.

Schedule a Service Call AAMCO! (912) 882-1700

St. Marys AAMCO

Automatic Transmission Fluid Services

St. Marys AAMCO auto repair shops are the mechanics in the automobile and maintenance of your automobile, truck, or SUV’s transmission. St. Marys AAMCO auto repair shops offer the following transmission fluid services—click on any for more information.

  • Power Purge Plus Transmission Flush & Filter Change
  • Power Purge Transmission Flush

Battery Maintenance Service

A well-maintained battery gives you peace of mind, whether you’re out on the road or the weather turns cold. Does your battery keep running down? Does it start slowly? Or does the temperature impact how well your automobile starts? It takes an expert to diagnose the starting and charging systems in your automobile. Take your automobile, truck, or SUV to St. Marys AAMCO for a starting and charging system diagnosis and our free St. Marys AAMCO 36-point ProtectCheck.

A St. Marys AAMCO mechanic will inspect the battery connections, the hardware, the condition of the case, the electrolyte level (where applicable), and the battery load (its ability to perform its function). The mechanic inspects the alternator belts, brackets and connections, and tests voltage and current. Finally, the starter is inspected for proper connections and mounting, and is tested to see how much electrical power is required to turn over the engine when the engine is cranked.

Based on this expert diagnosis, your St. Marys AAMCO center will recommend the service that’s right for you and replace only the needed components. Unlike other components in your automobile or truck, the battery does not give warning signs when it is near failure. A battery aged three or more years is a good candidate for replacement. Please refer to your owner’s manual for factory recommended maintenance intervals for your specific automobile.

Brake System Fluid Service

Many mechanics recommend replacing the fluid as a preventive maintenance service every two years or 24,000 miles. That’s because brake fluids absorb moisture over time, which could mean your brakes perform less well when you need them the most—during hard braking.

The brake fluid level should be checked by a St. Marys AAMCO mechanic periodically, preferably with every oil change. Check your owner’s manual to determine the recommended interval for changing the brake fluid or bring your automobile to St. Marys AAMCO to have a complete brake inspection. You’ll also get the St. Marys AAMCO 36-Step ProtectCheck Inspection to ensure all the major systems in your automobile are in good working order.

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Contact Information

4396 Highway 40 East
St Mary's, GA 31558
(912) 882-1700

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

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